EAP-507-P08: Here, I am including my poster presentation which describes my research project. I was required to finish a range of focused assignments. I used the academic skill and activities like annotations, summaries, and reflections to investigate topics and literature in my project. This course taught me the integrated language and writing discipline. I learned to identify and analyze linguistic structures and rhetorical elements. Moreover, I also learned to apply research method, customs, and conventions to American professional academic field.
Here is the link: MCP-Poster
INYO-502-P08: In this section, I am including my reflection journal 3. I was required to write a reflection on how I would positively implement during your graduate program through ideas for becoming a master student in learning. Therefore, I write my thoughts and plan about my graduate program in the future. This project actually and essentially teaches me how to use the substantial context to connect my practical experience to future plan. What’s more, I also learned how to implement the critical thinking skill to my academic activity.
Here is the link: Reflection Journal3
BMGT-633-P01: In this part, I am including one of my homework of Statistics for Business Decision Making. I was required to solve some statistics problem with the function of Excel. The course content includes statistics types, data display, trend analyze, and probability distributions. I learned how to use the basic statistical techniques applied to business and economic decision making. I also learned the fundamentals of form, chart, sheet and used them in business applications. It offers me a new tool to analyze statistics and makes me more proficient in operating the office software.
Here is the link: BMGT 633-Homework